We are an active, inclusive and caring church that witnesses to God’s love within the Good New of Jesus Christ. Our Extravagant Welcome as an open and affirming Church where “God is still speaking…” leads us to invite all people to participate fully in our community and worship life as loved and accepted people of God.
We ground our worship, learning, reflection, and action in Holy Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience1 that inspire and challenge us to discover God’s unfolding vision and grace, more in faithful searching than in certainty.
1 “Wesleyan Quadrilateral,” A Dictionary for United Methodists, Alan K. Waltz (Abingdon Press, 1991)
We seek creative worship and education that engage varieties of experiences to awaken, inspire, and challenge our spirit and senses through traditional and emerging theologies, music, art, the spoken word, and contemplation. As a community of faith we provide a context through worship, conventional relationship and education that enables ongoing development in faith.
Convinced that God’s plan is “That they may all be one,”2 we respect the faithfulness of those whose approach differs from ours. We accept our part in God’s work to mend the world, and we partner with other communities of faith and civic organizations in promoting learning, understanding, and bridging differences in achieving fullness of life for all.
2 “That they may all be one” is the motto of the United Church of Christ.
We believe that God calls us to strive for peace and justice, to protect and restore God’s creation, to bring hope to others, and to live our lives with compassion and holy courage.