Religious Education

Religious Education

Vitality – Authenticity – Encounter

What is Religious Education All About at FCUCC?

In short, religious education is providing experiences that develop vitality, authenticity, and encounter in our faith journeys.

At FCUCC, we strive for ongoing development in faith as we offer a weekly “Dialogue” series. This series is a small group, non-didactic encounter with one another around assigned themes on which we focus our thought and study.

Our “Dialogue” group provides structure and experiences that offers opportunities to:

  • Articulate and share with others our struggles in faith, as we construct or reconstruct the faith-truth in our lives.
  • Name and claim the shape of our callings and challenges in the community and wider world.
  • Increase biblical literacy through exposure to the finest and most current biblical scholarship: as progressive Christians, “we don’t take the Bible literally; we take it seriously.”
  • Examine the role of the church in faithfully representing the Gospel in the face of competing doctrinal, ecclesiastical, and institutional purposes, but also the compelling societal needs.
  • Engage informed exploration of other faith traditions, with emphasis on how they inform our Christian faith.
  • Develop tools for understanding the power of metaphor and myth to image truth in our sacred scriptures.
  • Engage contemporary issues of a moral marketplace in a faith and justice oriented discussion that supports both our reflection and action supported response.